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​"Which food we were eating and which drinks were we dinking?"


"I am wondering what eating was like. I wonder if they ate food at all? Or lived as breatharians?"​

Lemurians would eat fruits as their basic food... Some would even eat molluscs and phytoplankton. These habits varied mainly in the amounts of food ingested and in how often meals would be taken. Nevertheless obtaining the needed nutrients from nature/environment through the process we today call breathing and conscious breathing, played a great role in this sustenance...

 Water and some plant essences would be taken as a regular drink. The water would be enhanced by being mixtured with some gems and/or crystal properties. This water would be taken daily at the sunrise. These elixirs were unique for everyone, for the purpose was to provide the information of diferent desired metabolic states to the celular structure. These, of course, happened in Lemuriha, the society existing at the mountains base.​​


On the top of the mountain, where the temples were built, the diet was much different, for the main biology sustenance, through environmental factors, were the hot waters. There weren't many fruits there, as you may know the temperatures were very low at the top of the mountain, and the white/blueish snow would paint the landscape. So the spring hot waters of a given, somewhat, central fountain had most minerals needed, and helped preventing the body from getting too much cold. Besides this, there was a fruit that would grow in very low temperatures, and this fruit was consumed not very often. As you might imagine, this fruit was very, very, very... concentrated in its nutritional composition. Why is that? Well the given tree/flower needed to concentrate most of its minerals/nutrients/essences, that by the way were obtained through both the soil and the snow, in the seeds so a new tree/flower had the capacity to grow in such conditions...   ​

​​"Who/how was taking care about the education from the kids?"

Every Lemurian was. This honored everyone's uniqueness, and showed that the knowledge of everyone in Lemuriha was priceless. This was a real challenge for the teacher. Why ? Because the treachings were done in a unique way to each child.

If you'd ask today​ the same questions the teacher would ask the students in Lemuriha, the first time these visited to learn, the question would be something like "what are you willing to learn from me?". The teachings would take as long as the students felt necessary, then the student would ask to be tested...  This learnship would be organized in groups. These groups were formed by 11 students, sometimes 12. The whole group would need to learn, in the same moment, with 1, 2, sometimes 3 Lemurians that would be the teachers of that given time period, and each student would be asked what he/she wanted to learn from that unique sister/brother. The whole group needed to learn something with every Lemurihan. And this group could only move on to a different set of 1, 2, 3 Lemurians when all the students passed the tests they've designed for themselfs together with the teacher...


The students supported each other, and when appropriate a student from a group could join another group and vice-versa... as long as the group had 11, sometimes 12 students.

​This learnship occured in a greater scale during the first hundred years (earth cycles), but then was prolonged through the entire lifetime.​


You see... There was a funny thing to this...

All the teachers would eventually need to learn with their students in the same way, because every Lemurian was honored as unique and priceless, remember ?!

"How were we working with the water and how did we get energy for the vilages?"

​ The use of the electricity concept as we know it is recent. In Lemuria what we now call devices, were similarly reproduced, all using natural resources. As an example, for the purpose of illumination there was a specific crystal that when exposed to the appropriate amount of heat and humidity would become fluorescent. This crystal sprinkled with an elixir of flower essences powder, would amplify this emanated light that, by the way, was beneficial to the biological balance, for this had an effect on the day and night cellular clock in a way that, together with intention, would send the information of rejuvenation to the cellular structure. The floral elixirs promoted a wide variety of applications. ​


 Now, water was known as a sacred element. Do you think Pleiadean biology is composed by a high percentage of water just like ours ? Indeed... water is a key to electromagnetism. This is yet to be discovered, but the properties of water allow for a rapid, and necessary, exchange of information in terms of magnetic waves. Of course this refers to a bandwidth of the magnetic force in which the process of gravity is based on. In a quantum perspective there are other attributes that confer water this attribute. Being composed by the association of three atoms, 2 of hydrogen and 1 of oxygen, the water molecule has in its structure the number 3, and this might give you a clue of its catalytic nature.​​​​


In Lemuria water was used in many sacred ceremonies. Among these, the process of Birth, the sacred ceremonies of making Love, communication purposes, rejuvenation purposes, the creation of living essences elixirs, and much more...​

"I would like to know which other entities were living with us besides the pleidians and when/how did they left?"

 This is a very good question... You see, Pleiadeans have divine DNA just as we have, and this DNA was given to them by their ancestors, that are also our ancestors, that in turn were seeded by their ancestors, that are also our ancestors, and so on... In this perspective, and knowing that all our ancestors are in our DNA, then the answer is yes. But understanding that your quesiton had a specific meaning to it, then the answer is this...

 In the very beginning of what we know as Lemuria, yes. This was approximately 30,000 years ago. They have never left, even if in a 3d perspective they seem to be distant...

And they have never left because they are in an entangled state with all of us... They are Quantum in all their being even in biological terms, and so are Pleiadeans, and so are we. This Quantumness of Being, both micro and macro, is what is being activated through our DNA.

​"Did we have any form of writting or/and paiting? Some kind of icons?"​

 Yes. Words weren't used in Lemuria, for words are somewhat limited in their meaning. Instead what we used that represent the closest aspect to what we call writtings were hieroglyphs.

 In similarity to what we find in Egiptian, Mayan, Incan hieroglyphs, each of these compreended a concept rather than a singular meaning, again, the Lemurian Society was conceptual...

 DNA has more communicative attributes than we can understand consciously today, gladly we are starting to step into it again. Painting could bring many things, mainly intentions, specific attributes, and remembrances. In Lemuriha painting was all about bringing more of who we are, and this art was always based in the shapes of the cosmos and its interactions. What if sacred geometry could be painted not only in 2d but in a multi-d manner ? What if the temples were painted in all their structures ? Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be inside a structure that has all its limits, filled with continued sacred geometry structures ? How high your perception would be affected with this ? Well this happened in Lemuriha. Not just in the temples but in a very large scale. This principle was used in whole society.

​"How many people were living there?"​

​Thousands were. As thousands of Lemurians are in the planet right now. Through the approximately 33000 years of the Lemurian experience many were the Lemurians that came once to experience this core akashic energy to then reincarnate in other parts of the planet. Every lifespan was at least 10 times bigger than what we experienced in the recent history, but for several Lemurians this lifespan grew to be 9 times the usual 1000 years lifespan. Besides this, the highest number of Lemurians living at once in the Lemurian society was approximately 1000.

​"Which were the main functions of working besides the temples?"

​ The temples were always structured in accordance to other activities, and these other activities were always structured in accordance to other activities, and so on until we mention again the temples in this cyclic structure.  So every activity was seen as a main activity actually. From the balanced process of obtaining flower's living essences, to the setting of magnetic rock structures inside the caves, to the bringging together of celebrations for many many purposes. Every activity was honored for its uniqueness and pricelessness. The growing process of children, that usually reached the 100 years period, was an activitie that involved every unique individual in Lemurian Society, for everyone was a teacher and a student. The gathering of phyto-plankton was other aspect that was done virtually by every Lemurian in the Lemurian Society. The birth process always involved a great celebration and so many activities around it. And so on ...​​​

​"What about music, what kind of music did they use back then? How about sports, what kind of sport or games did they have?"

​ Music is part of who we are and if you can notice there is even music in silence. You can always ear overtones even if you are not toning through your vocal chords. In Lemuria the most used instrument was the Human Being Voice, as there was an enhanced and subtle sensitivity to sound and vibration experienced by all of us the overtones were perceived so much easier, and this can happen still for if you focus constantly in this harmonics we call overtones you'll give the information to activate an part of our DNA that resonates with the music of the spheres in a higher, expanded level. The same way the more you use your muscle the easiest it is to use, in the same way the more you use your intuition the clearer it gets to you. So Overtones actually could be heard not just with the Human Voice, but virtually everywhere. Have you ever heard of the flowers noises? Have you ever thought it would be possible for flowers to produce sound? Well it is. It just is a little bit higher to the audible sound spectrum our brain can traduce to the rational mind at the moment, but we feel it every moment anyway. Intuition is much more comprehensive than you might think! Overtones are so expansively perceived that at some moment in our life's we choose to filter it ... Well, if you concentrate in the silence you'll see there is always a overtone. And this comes from inside you... Your cells, your DNA is always singing, this might turn out to be a method of communication in a recent potential. There were metals that were used as instruments as well, all of which emitted overtones.

Now, all the sports that existed there were based in cooperation, there was a very well-known sport that involved the use of plants to cover your body with a given color, then it was necessary to have 2 or 4 colors of plants similar to everyone playing, the game would have no limit of participants but usually it was played with 12 Lemurians, everyone playing needed to travel across the land and in the process every individual would leave behind a certain plant of a certain color and then needed to find this left colorful plant that other player left behind, the objective? Everyone playing must be wearing 12 exactly equal colors. Who won in the end? Everyone for the reward was to get a visit to the temples, this was a game played during the first hundred years educational period. Of course there were many more activities, but this was a very exciting one, for many muscles were exercised, including intuition.

​​"When did the Pleiadians first meet the Lemurians?"​

​"I would like to know how the Pleiadians passed us the DNA. Did they have sexual relationship with the human and have babies with the 23 pairs of chromosome? If so, I would like to know if my grand mother in Lemuria was a Pleiadian. That was how I felt.​​​​​​​​​​​"

​ Pleiadians seeded the Human species, and through several years of seeding the first Lemurians were born, so in a sense Pleiadians met the Lemurians even before the seeding, for they are multi-d and therefore they long surpassed the linear time. And it began with a change in perception.

The Divine DNA was passed to us through Pure Love, and yes this was done through the merging we know as making Love. Yes the birth of the 23 paired chromosome Human Being was a gradual process done through a grand lineage of generations, 50000 years it took, seems a lot. But it isn't in a multi-d Perspective, for even in a 4-d perception time is relative. You just gave yourself the answer.

More Answers Flowing ...

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